Izdelki za jeklena jekla (231)

Nerjaveče Jeklo - Ravna Palica, Izrezana iz Listov na Škarjah

Nerjaveče Jeklo - Ravna Palica, Izrezana iz Listov na Škarjah

s = 2 - 20 mm nach EN 10088 -3 Produktpalette: Flach aus Blech auf der Schere geschnitten s = 2 - 20mm Flach aus Blech gesägt s = 10 - 100 mm Flach gewalzt, gezogen, geschliffen Rund gewalzt, gezogen, geschliffen Quadrat gewalzt, gezogen, geschliffen Winkel gewalzt, gezogen, geschliffen
BV-Thermo pocinkana jekla BVE-Thermo nerjaveče jeklo... - Zatesnjeni pokrovi

BV-Thermo pocinkana jekla BVE-Thermo nerjaveče jeklo... - Zatesnjeni pokrovi

Load capacity: 125 kN test load EN 124. Material: Frame and cover in 2 mm cold-formed precision steel profiles. Hot-dip galvanised. Insulated version, consisting of: Z-brackets, EPDM seal, polyurethane rigid foam insulation panel coated with aluminium on both sides. Thermal resistance = 3.2 m2 K/W Thermal coefficient 0.3 W/m2 K (=RC Warde) Features: Sealed cover with inlaid insulation panel. Tapered design allows easy opening. Virtually invisible when installed. Robust steel mesh reinforcement. The Lift-Off opening system: Every HAGODECK Type BV thermo cover comes with a set of lifting keys and precise installation instructions. The HAGO advantage: jammed covers are released by simply turning the Golden Key. Applications: For areas inside buildings where a cover with insulation properties is required. Installation: Installation must be carried out according to our instructions. With water-tight models, care must be taken to seal the outer frame into the surrounding...
Montažna ročica za tečaj

Montažna ročica za tečaj

Hot-dip galvanized steel
GN 31 Nerjaveče Jointske Noge / Higienične Noge

GN 31 Nerjaveče Jointske Noge / Higienične Noge

Edelstahl-Gelenkfüße / Hygienefüße, mit Gummiauflage Form (Fußteller) • B1: matt gestrahlt, Gummi eingelegt, schwarz • B2: matt gestrahlt, Gummi eingelegt, weiß • B3: matt gestrahlt, Gummi aufvulkanisiert, schwarz • B4: matt gestrahlt, Gummi aufvulkanisiert, weiß • C3: poliert, Gummi aufvulkanisiert, schwarz • C4: poliert, Gummi aufvulkanisiert, weiß Ausführung • S: ohne Mutter, Außensechskant unten • SK: mit Mutter, Außensechskant unten • T: ohne Mutter, Schlüsselfläche unten • TK: mit Mutter, Schlüsselfläche unten • U: ohne Mutter, Innensechskant oben, Schlüsselfläche unten • UK: mit Mutter, Innensechskant oben, Schlüsselfläche unten • V: ohne Mutter, Außensechskant oben, Schlüsselfläche unten • VK: mit Mutter, Außensechskant oben, Schlüsselfläche unten • W: mit Verstellhülse, Hygieneausführung, Schlüsselfläche unten • X: Außensechskant, Innengewinde Fußteller, Stahlblech Edelstahl nichtrostend, 1.4301 Gewindespindel Edelstahl nichtrostend, 1.4305 Sechskantmutter ISO... A/F 2:12 Artikelnummer:GN 31-100-M16-100-B4-TK Gewicht:50 d1:100 d2:M 16 h1:20 h2:6 h4 +4.0/0:34 l1:100
Dela rezanja z plamenom - Pogodbena rezanja z mobilnimi rezalnimi sistemi

Dela rezanja z plamenom - Pogodbena rezanja z mobilnimi rezalnimi sistemi

Brennschneidarbeiten: Lohnschnitte mit Brennschneidanlagen, kommen überall dort zum Einsatz, wo das Zerkleinern von Stahlteilen mittels Autogentechnologie nötig ist. Wenn Sie Bedarf am Zerkleinern von schweren Stahlteilen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns. Wir sehen uns Ihren konkreten Bedarf bezüglich Stahlgüte, Menge und Größe sowie Vorortsituation an, um Ihnen ein individuelles Angebot für den Einsatz unserer mobilen Brennschneidanlage zu erstellen. Im Auftragsfall bringen wir die Anlagenkomponenten mittels LKWs zum Einsatzort, wo der Aufbau innerhalb weniger Stunden erfolgt. Die Brennschneidmaschine wird durch GREEN BLOCK oder in Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden zu den individuell vereinbarten Zeiten betrieben. Sobald der Auftrag abgearbeitet ist, wird die Stahl-Schneidemaschine abgebaut und abtransportiert. Die Einsatzdauer variiert je Auftragsmenge von wenigen Tagen bis zu mehreren Jahren.
Oblikovani lonci za proizvodnjo safirjev - Molybden in volfram lonci za procese rasti enojnih kristalov

Oblikovani lonci za proizvodnjo safirjev - Molybden in volfram lonci za procese rasti enojnih kristalov

Molybdenum and tungsten crucibles from Plansee are the perfect vessels for melting and solidifying the single crystal. The formed crucibles have particularly thin walls combined with excellent creep resistance. The outstanding purity of the crucibles prevents any contamination of the single crystal. Even the most aggressive sapphire melts cannot do any harm. Plansee produces large numbers of formed molybdenum and tungsten crucibles and supplies them in all commonly used dimensions. They are successfully used by all the major manufacturers and numerous end customers worldwide. Material:Molybdenum Material:Tungsten
Stacionarni Rezalni Diski - Rezalni Diski za Stacionarno Rezanje

Stacionarni Rezalni Diski - Rezalni Diski za Stacionarno Rezanje

Nos outils de tronçonnage fixes offrent une qualité élevée et une large gamme : meules de laboratoire, meules à liant résine pour acier et inox, meules diamantées pour matériaux moulés, et meules CBN et diamantées haute performance pour carbures de tungstène et aciers rapides. Des années d'innovation ont fait progresser le tronçonnage. Les meules Tyrolit sont durables et faciles à utiliser grâce à la collaboration avec fabricants et clients. Nous garantissons des solutions durables, proposant des meules pour diverses applications et produits sur mesure. Pour l'usinage de l'acier, inox, métaux non ferreux et pierre, nos meules à liant résine sont idéales, offrant faible friction latérale et prévention de la décoloration. Les meules de laboratoire assurent une coupe rapide sans déformation. Les lames diamantées pour fonte offrent durée de vie prolongée, réduction de la poussière et sécurité accrue.
Podpora za kolo iz nerjavečega jekla

Podpora za kolo iz nerjavečega jekla

Durchmesser: Ø 48,3 mm Wandstärke: 2 mm Gesamtbreite: 400 mm Höhe über Flur: ca. 900 mm Gesamtlänge: 1200 mm V2A Edelstahl geschliffen Korn 320, inkl. Materialzertifikat
MORSE Chin Up Stropna Svetilka - Površina: Oksidirana Jeklo

MORSE Chin Up Stropna Svetilka - Površina: Oksidirana Jeklo

-.-. .... .. -. ..- .--. Leuchtengehäuse aus Stahlblech 2mm BxTxH: 500x500x60mm, gekantet mit Morse Text aus Tiroler Schafwolle natur °chin up° Deckenarmatur weiß h=30mm Fassung FC-L für Lampe Ringform FC 55W inkl. EVG excl. Leuchtmittel -
GTI tkanina iz jeklene žice, pocinkane žice, nerjaveče jeklene žice in aluminija. Zelo velika izbira mrež, minimalna količina 1 m².

GTI tkanina iz jeklene žice, pocinkane žice, nerjaveče jeklene žice in aluminija. Zelo velika izbira mrež, minimalna količina 1 m².

GTI-Drahtgewebe aus Stahldraht, verzinktem Draht, Edelstahldraht und Aluminium. Sehr große Maschenauswahl, Mindestmenge 1 m². Drahtgewebe mit höchster Genauigkeit, einwandfreie und gleichbleibende Qualität. Für Ihre individuelle Anforderung können wir auf zuverlässige und kompetente Partner zurückgreifen - und Ihnen Ihre optimale Lösung anbieten.
Valji za barvanje

Valji za barvanje

Lackierwalzen auf Basis Polyurethanelastomerbeschichtung (Asmaprene FP, easypren) bringen in der Anwendung eine Reihe von Vorteilen gegenüber bisherigen Lösungen. Hohe Schnittfestigkeit Verschleißfest Beständig gegen Öl UND Lösungsmittel
 Hohe Linienlasten
CNC Obdelava - Učinkovito obdelovanje je naša najvišja prioriteta

CNC Obdelava - Učinkovito obdelovanje je naša najvišja prioriteta

Unsere Möglichkeiten beim Drehen Durch unseren umfangreichen Maschinenpark können wir unseren Kunden vielfältige und sehr flexible Lösungen bieten: Bearbeitung sämtlicher Werkstoffe Durchmesser bis zu 400mm (Länge bis 1200mm) Sägestücke, Stangenmaterial (1m und 3m Lader), sowie Rohling (Guss- und Schmiedeteile) Komplexe Fräsoperationen an der Drehmaschine Fertigung von Klein-, Mittel-, und Großserien Qualitätsstandard nach ISO 9001:2015 Kundenspezifische Prüfabläufe nach Wunsch
Derouging in Pasivacija

Derouging in Pasivacija

Fachgerechte Entfernung von Rouging, das Derouging, ist durch gezielte Reinigungsmaßnahmen möglich.
Sistem Merjenja Premera/Veljavnosti ATON Wire

Sistem Merjenja Premera/Veljavnosti ATON Wire

Système économique , mesure de diamètre/ovalité p. fils, barres d'acier & tubes - ATON Wire est un profilomètre stationnaire pour le contrôle à 100% des fils, barres et tubes. Pour répondre aux exigences de retour sur investissement, NEXTSENSE offre une grande précision à un prix raisonnable. Les profilomètres ATON WIRE mesurent le diamètre et l'ovalité des profilés ronds avec un capteur d'ombre biaxial, une plage de mesure de 50 mm et une précision de 5μm. En fonction de la température du matériau et des conditions ambiantes, il existe trois variantes de produit (cold, warm, hot). Le système de mesure offre un affichage en temps réel des résultats. La ligne supérieure indique l'identification du lot et le compteur de billettes ou de bobines de ce lot. Sur la ligne suivante, la valeur actuelle des deux axes et la valeur d'ovalité calculée sont affichées numériquement sous forme de grands chiffres. Sous chacun de ces nombres, plusieurs valeurs statistiques basées sur la bobine actuelle sont affichées : Maximum, Moyenne, Minimum, Écart-type, Cp et CpK." Technologie:Projection d'ombre Versions:ATON Wire Cold/ATON Wire Warm/ATON Wire Hot
Montaža in Izpopolnitev

Montaža in Izpopolnitev

Beschriftungen gehören seit der Firmengründung zu unseren Kernkompetenzen. Machen Sie sich unsere Erfahrung zu Nutzen. Unsere topp ausgebildeten Mitarbeiter verarbeiten, bekleben und montieren auch Ihre beigestellten Produkte professionell, schnell und sauber. Wir übernehmen die Beschriftung von Objekten mit beigestellten Produkten oder veredeln Ihre Drucke bei uns im Werk.
Cevni komponenti za karoserijo

Cevni komponenti za karoserijo

Stahlrohre kommen im gesamten Fahrzeug zum Einsatz - sei es um die Steifigkeit zu steigern oder das Gewicht zu senken. Letzteres ist möglich, wenn anstelle von massiven Stangen rohrförmige Lenkradarmaturen verwendet werden. In einer Produktkategorie, in der niedrige Kosten ebenso ausschlaggebend sind wie gute Leistung, genießt die voestalpine Rotec Gruppe dank der Verfahren und Innovationskraft einen wesentlichen Wettbewerbsvorteil.
Praškasto barvanje

Praškasto barvanje

Wir sind Ihr Partner für individuelle Pulverbeschichtung.
Dodatna posoda za mini pasterizator, kotel za sir in jogurt FJ 15

Dodatna posoda za mini pasterizator, kotel za sir in jogurt FJ 15

Mit dem FJ15 können Sie Pasteurisieren, Käse machen oder Joghurt erzeugen – einfach und kinderleicht in kleinen Mengen für den Haushalt oder Direktvermarkter.
Risani Deli

Risani Deli

Wenn der Standard nicht mehr ausreicht – Sonderteile nach Zeichnung, Ob in der Automobilindustrie, im Maschinen- und…
BVH-maxi pocinkana jekla BVEH-maxi nerjaveče jeklo... - Zatesnjen pokrov za uporabo s tlakovci

BVH-maxi pocinkana jekla BVEH-maxi nerjaveče jeklo... - Zatesnjen pokrov za uporabo s tlakovci

Load capacity: 125 kN test load (EN 124) when filled with a min. 5 cm layer of grade C 35/45 concrete (EN 206) Material: Frame and cover in 2 mm cold-formed precision steel profiles. Hot-dip galvanised. Features: Sealed cover with 10 cm deep recess. Virtually invisible when installed. EPDM seal. Robust steel mesh reinforcement, crosswise welded. Opening tool included. The Lift-Off opening system: Every HAGODECK Type BVH-maxi steel cover comes with a set of lifting keys and clear installation instructions. The HAGO advantage: jammed covers are released by simply turning the Golden Key. Applications: Inside buildings and their surroundings. Especially for those installations where the cover is to be filled with concrete slabs, bricks, paviors etc. Installation: Installation must be carried out according to our instructions. With water-tight models, care must be taken to seal the outer frame into the surrounding flooring. Cover depth ≈ 10.2 cm Installation height ≈ 12.5...
BV-RA pocinkana jekla BVE-RA nerjaveče jeklo V veliki meri... - V veliki meri zaprti pokrovi

BV-RA pocinkana jekla BVE-RA nerjaveče jeklo V veliki meri... - V veliki meri zaprti pokrovi

Load capacity: 125 kN test load EN 124 when completely filled with concrete C35/45 (EN 206-1). Material: In Type BV-RA frame, cover and cross-beam in 2 mm cold-formed precision steel profiles. Hot-dip galvanised. In Type BVE-RA frame, cover and cross-beam made of grade 304 stainless steel (on request also available in grade 316 stainless steel). EPDM seal. Features: Smell proof, largely water-tight multi-part cover (Not guaranteed to be completely water-tight). The cross-beams can be removed without tools, to give clear access to the entire duct. This gives clear access to the duct when retrofitting pipes or during repair work. Versions: In addition to the standard cover height (approx.50 mm), a deep cover version (approx. 100 mm) is available. Ideal for infill with paviors. The Lift-Off opening system: Every HAGODECK Type BV(E)-RA cover comes with a set of lifting keys and precise installation instructions. The HAGO advantage: jammed covers are released by simply turning the...
BV-plitka pocinkana jekla BVE-plitka nerjaveča... - Zapečateni pokrov

BV-plitka pocinkana jekla BVE-plitka nerjaveča... - Zapečateni pokrov

Load capacity: pedestrian Material: BV-shallow: frame and cover in 2mm cold formed precision steel profiles, hot-dip galvanised. BVE-shallow: frame and cover made of grade 304 stainless steel. Features: Sealed. Cover with an installation depth of only 5 cm. Particularly suitable for situations where greater installation depth is not available. Since the cover is shallower, this means that it is not so heavy when filled in - so less effort is required to lift the cover. The bottom of the cover is reinforced. EPDM seal. Tapered design allows easy opening. Steel reinforcement guarantees good adhesion between the concrete infill and the bottom of the cover. The Lift-Off opening system: Every HAGODECK Type BV(E) shallow cover comes with a set of lifting keys and clear installation instructions. The HAGO advantage: jammed covers are released by simply turning the Golden Key. Applications: For pedestrian use inside buildings and their surroundings. Installation: Installation must...
BV-GDZ jekleni pocinkani pokrov s tečajem in centralno zaklepanje... - Tečajni pokrov s centralnim zaklepanjem in plinom napolnjenim dvigalom

BV-GDZ jekleni pocinkani pokrov s tečajem in centralno zaklepanje... - Tečajni pokrov s centralnim zaklepanjem in plinom napolnjenim dvigalom

Load capacity: 125 kN test load EN 124. Material: Frame and cover made of 2 mm cold-formed precision steel profiles, hot-dip galvanised. Stainless steel hinges. High-specification gas strut(s). Features: Comfort-lift access cover. Smell proof (not guaranteed to be completely watertight). Virtually invisible when installed. EPDM seal. Opening tools included. Opening is assisted by the gas strut(s) to such an extent that the BV-GDZ cover can be opened and closed by one person. Central locking system: HAGODECK Type BV-GDZ steel cover is equipped with a central locking system. The cover can be opened from above using a special socket key and easily unlocked from underneath using the built-in handle. Safety device fitted to prevent the open cover from closing. Applications: For covers that need to be opened from above and below, quickly and without particular effort, e.g. in underground passageways, in underground railways, power stations, telecommunication or military facilities...
BVS-250 Jekleni Težki, Zatesnjen Pokrov - Težki, Zatesnjen Pokrov

BVS-250 Jekleni Težki, Zatesnjen Pokrov - Težki, Zatesnjen Pokrov

Load capacity: 250 kN test load EN 124 when completely filled with concrete C 35/45 (EN 206). Material: Frame and cover made of steel plate, hot-dip galvanised. Features: Heavy duty sealed cover. Underside of cover reinforced with steel I-beam section. Robust steel mesh reinforcement. EPDM seal. Tapered design allows easy opening. The Lift-Off opening system: Every HAGODECK Type BVS-250 steel cover comes with a set of lifting keys and precise installation instructions. The HAGO advantage: jammed covers are released by simply turning the Golden Key. Applications: For vehicle traffic areas in industrial buildings and their surrounding areas, where the cover needs to be heavy duty. Installation: Installation must be carried out according to our instructions. With watertight models, care must be taken to seal the outer frame into the surrounding flooring. Cover depth ≈ 5.0 cm Installation height ≈ 7.5 cm Steel girders penetrate ≈ 10 cm into the shaft Special sizes possible *S =...
BV-GD jekleni pocinkani pokrovi s tečaji, z dvigom na plin

BV-GD jekleni pocinkani pokrovi s tečaji, z dvigom na plin

Load capacity: 125 kN test load EN 124. Material: Frame and cover made of 2 mm cold-formed precision steel profiles, hot-dip galvanised. Or in grade 304 stainless steel, passivated. Stainless steel hinges. High-specification gas strut(s). Features: Comfort-lift access cover. Smell proof, largely water-tight (not guaranteed to be completely water-tight). EPDM seal. Opening tools included. Opening is assisted by the gas strut(s) to such an extent that the BV-GD/BVE-GD cover can be opened and closed by one person. Safety device fitted to prevent the open cover from closing. Applications: As a cover over installations that need to be opened frequently, without particular effort. Particularly for inspection chambers. BVE-GD is particularly recommended over plant in swimming pool areas For indoor swimming pools only use grade 316 material! Installation: Please study the enclosed installation instructions carefully before installation and pay attention to our specifications. Care...
BV jekleni pocinkani zaprti pokrov - zaprti pokrov

BV jekleni pocinkani zaprti pokrov - zaprti pokrov

Load capacity: 125 kN test load EN 124 Material: Frame and cover in 2 mm cold-formed precision steel profiles. Hot-dip galvanised. Features: Accurately manufactured sealed access covers. Tapered design allows easy opening. Virtually invisible when installed. EPDM seal. Robust steel mesh reinforcement. The Lift-Off opening system: Every HAGODECK Type BV steel cover comes with a set of lifting keys and precise installation instructions. The HAGO advantage: jammed covers are released by simply turning the Golden Key. Applications: Inside buildings or their surroundings, where sealed covers are required. Installation: Installation must be carried out according to our instructions. With water-tight models, care must be taken to seal the outer frame into the surrounding flooring. Cover depth ≈ 5.0 cm Installation height ≈ 7.5 cm Special sizes possible *S = available from stock *O = to order
BVS-400 jeklo pocinkano Ekstra težka, zaprta pokrov - Ekstra težka, zaprta pokrov

BVS-400 jeklo pocinkano Ekstra težka, zaprta pokrov - Ekstra težka, zaprta pokrov

Load capacity: 400 kN test load EN 124 when completely filled with concrete C 35/45 (EN 206). Material: Frame and cover made of steel plate, hot-dip galvanised. Features: Heavy duty sealed cover. Underside of cover reinforced with steel I-beam section and additional frame. Robust steel mesh reinforcement. EPDM seal. Tapered design allows easy opening. The Lift-Off opening system: Every HAGODECK Type BVS-400 steel cover comes with a set of lifting keys and precise installation instructions. The HAGO advantage: jammed covers are released by simply turning the Golden Key. Applications: For vehicle traffic areas in industrial buildings and their surrounding areas, or for secondary traffic areas. Particularly suitable for use in areas where forklifts operate. Installation: Installation must be carried out according to our instructions. With water-tight models, care must be taken to seal the outer frame into the surrounding flooring. Cover depth ≈ 5.0 cm Installation heights: up...
Tesnjen pokrov iz cinkane jekla B - tesnjen pokrov

Tesnjen pokrov iz cinkane jekla B - tesnjen pokrov

Load capacity: 125 kN test load EN 124 Material: Frame and cover in 2 mm cold-formed precision steel profiles. Hot-dip galvanised. Features: Standard version (not sealed). Type B should only be used where the “sealed” characteristic is not required. Tapered design allows easy opening. Virtually invisible when installed. Robust steel mesh reinforcement, crosswise welded. Opening: Every HAGODECK Type B steel cover comes with a set of lifting keys and precise installation instructions. Applications: Inside buildings over sealed inspection fittings or installations where a fully sealed cover is not needed. Installation: Installation must be carried out according to our instructions.
Nerjaveče jeklo - Cevi, Pravokotne cevi

Nerjaveče jeklo - Cevi, Pravokotne cevi

von 20 x 10 x 1 - 120 x 80 x 5 (HF) Produktpalette: Rundrohre geschweißt von 10,0 x 1,0 - 406,4 x 3,0 (HF, TIG, Laser) Quadratrohre von 15 x 15 x 1 - 100 x 100 x 5 (HF) Rechteckrohre von 20 x 10 x 1 - 120 x 80 x 5 (HF) Die Palette wird ständig erweitert und ergänzt.
BVE pokrov iz nerjavečega jekla - Zatesnjen pokrov

BVE pokrov iz nerjavečega jekla - Zatesnjen pokrov

Load capacity: 125 kN test load EN 124. Material: Grade 304 stainless steel. Passivated after welding. Also available in grade 316 stainless steel on request (no stock item). Features: Accurately manufactured fully sealed access covers. Tapered design allows easy opening. Virtually invisible when installed. EPDM seal. The Lift-Off opening system: Every HAGODECK Type BVE stainless steel cover comes with a set of lifting keys and precise installation instructions. The HAGO advantage: jammed covers are released by simply turning the Golden Key. Applications: Inside buildings or their surroundings, where exceptionally high standards are needed or where the hygienic properties of stainless steel are preferred, e.g. in the food industry, in meat-processing areas, dairies, hospitals, swimming pools. For indoor swimming pools only use grade 316 material! Installation: Installation must be carried out according to our instructions. With water-tight models, care must be taken to seal...